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***** KORG M1 Desk Assistant *****
+| * Introduction *
+| * The Main Screen *
+| * The Settings Dialog *
+| * The MIDI Dialog *
+| * Limitations *
+| * Disclaimer *
+| * Copyright *
+| * Final Remarks *
U|How to use this documentation program
Use the arrow keys or mouse to move around in the menus:
Up/down arrow or mousepointer selects the various menu entries.
Right arrow/left mousebutton/Return selects an entry ('pops in').
Left arrow/right mousebutton/Undo jumps to previous menu ('pops out').
ClrHome always brings you to the main menu.
Escape always exits the program.
Help brings up this menu.
Now press the right mousebutton or the left arrow to go back to where
you came from...
The KORG M1 Desk Assistant is in fact a small accessory version of the
KORG M1 Bank Manager. 'Small' means that it misses a lot of functions of
the Bank Manager. The Desk Assistant however also incorporates some
functions that are not available in the Bank Manager! And since it's an
accessory, you can call it from within any GEM program (i.e. a program
with a menubar).
The main purpose of this utility is to enable you to send sounds to the M1
(or receive them from the M1 of course) from within any program, such as
your sequencer. This way you can send the right set of sounds for a
particular song to your M1 without having to leave the sequencer.
In order to get started, you should copy the file M1_ASS.ACC to the root
directory of your boot-drive (i.e. A:\ or C:\). It needs no aditional
files, although it will create a settingsfile (M1_ASS.DAT) as soon as you
save your customized settings (see the chapter on the Settings Dialog).
+:Next Page...
It's also possible to load the accessory with an accessory-loader such
as CodeHead's MultiDesk or the Chameleon.
And finally by simply renaming the accessory to M1_ASS.PRG you'll be able
to run it as a stand-alone application!
Since the use of the Desk Assistant resembles the use of the Bank Manager
in many respects, we recommend you to read the Bank Manager documentation
first (start the M1BM_DOC.PRG) - a lot of what is discussed there will be
assumed to be known in this document.
Just like the Bank Manager, the Desk Assistant consists of two different
librarians - one for Programs and one for Combinations. When, in the
following pages, we're talking about 'sounds', we always mean 'Programs
or Combinations, depending on the currently active librarian'.
+:The Main Screen...
U|The Main Screen
+: The Soundbox
+: Load
+: Load Set
+: Save
+: Receive
+: Send
+: Send Set
+: Sel./Desel.
+: Delete
+: Settings
+: I/C
+: Glb.Chan
+: About
+: a/A
+: Quit
U|The Soundbox
The functionality of the soundbox (the central 100-slot box) is nearly
identical to the Bank Manager's soundbox. Left clicking selects a slot,
left-click and drag copies all selected sounds to the next free locations,
starting at the slot above which you released the mouse and pressing either
SHIFT-key while dragging will multi-(de-)select slots.
When copying sounds while running as a program, the mouse will change to a
flat hand and a so-called 'dragbox' the size of 5 slots will appear to
remind you that you're 'doing something special'. When using the program as
an accessory, the mouse will also change to a flat hand, but there will be
_no_ dragbox, cause somehow the dragbox function crashes when used in accs.
This is not my fault and it is not a bug in the program. I'm sorry for this
cosmetic shortcoming...
The only difference with the Bank Manager is that it's not possible to
rename sounds in the Desk Assistant.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
The 'Load' button opens a file-selector in which you can pick the Bank
Manager file to be loaded (either a MPR or a MCO file, depending on
which part of the program you're currently using - see the page on the
PROG/COMBI button). You need not supply the file-extension, as the program
automatically appends the right extension to the filename you've entered.
The various sophistcated load-settings of the Bank Manager are not
available - after having selected a file you'll be given the choice between
loading to the first free positions ('load to free') - just like the BM's
default behaviour - or loading to the positions that are stored in the BM
file ('load to positions').
Note that 'load to positions' will overwrite sounds already present at
those positions without warning.
Note also that the program will remember the folder you last selected a
file from, so that next time the fileselector opens it will show you the
same folder. The first time you select a file, the program will use the
folder you entered as the default-path in the settings-dialog (provided
you saved settings afterwards of course - more on this in the chapter
'The Settings Dialog').
+:Load Set...
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
U|Load Set
This is the button labeled 'Set' to the right of the 'Load' button (it
was too small to put both words in it...). 'Load Set' is a feature not
available in the Bank Manager.
A 'set' consists of two files - a program file (MPR) and a combination file
(MCO), both with the same filename (but different extensions of course).
Both files *must* be located in the default-directories you entered in the
Settings-dialog. When you load a set, you will first be asked to confirm
this operation, since loading a set will clear *all* internal memory -
which means that all currently loaded programs and combis will be erased!!
If you confirm this, you will then be asked to select a program-file (even
when you're currently in the combination-librarian). The program now loads
this file to the program-librarian and next looks for the corresponding
combi-file, that will then be loaded too.
+:Next Page...
So when your program folder is e.g. A:\PROGRAMS\ and your combination
folder is A:\COMBIS\, and you have a file MYSOUND.MPR in the first and
MYSOUND.MCO in the second folder, then performing a 'Load Set', and
selecting the MYSOUND.MPR file will load both files at the same time.
Before a set is loaded, you will also be asked if you want to send the set
to the M1 immediately after it is loaded. If you choose 'Yes', the program
will send all programs and combis in the set to the M1 as soon as both
files are loaded.
What's the purpose of this operation? For most pieces of music you need a
certain set of sounds (programs) and a certain multi-timbral setup (combi).
When you store the needed sounds and combi(s) in two files with the same
name, the 'Load Set' operation makes it possible to send all the necessary
data to the M1 with only one action. This makes dumping setups very fast
and easy: 'Load Set', -Are you sure?- 'Yes', -Send set after loading?-
'Yes', select a file, and ready you are! In the 'Settings Dialog' you'll
learn how you can even avoid those dialogs - so only two mouseclicks will
have your M1 ready and set to play your song!
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
This will save all (and only) the *selected* sounds. Enter the name of the
file in the fileselector (again no need to supply the file-extension).
When the file you choose already exists and 'Safety Warnings' is on (see
the chapter on the Settings Dialog), you will be asked if you want to
overwrite this file.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
Receives all sounds from the M1 corresponding to the *selected* slots
(just like in the Bank Manager). You can abort this operation while it's
being performed by pressing the _right_ mousebutton.
If 'Double Check Data' in the Settings-dialog is on, every dump is
performed at least twice to ensure almost 100% data integrity.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
All (and only) the *selected* sounds will be sent to the M1. You will
get no safety warnings, so be careful as you might loose valuable data.
You can abort this operation while it's being performed by pressing the
_right_ mousebutton.
+:Send Set...
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
U|Send Set
The button next to the 'Send' button, labeled 'Set', performs the 'Send
Set' operation (again the button was too small to stuff both words in it).
Sending a set means that the *complete contents* of both the program
librarian and the combination librarian is sent to the M1 - *regardless
of whether slots are selected or not*. So _everything_ is sent!
This is mainly intended for use with the 'Load Set' operation - once
you've loaded a set that contains all the program and combination data
you need for a song, you can dump all this data to the M1 with a single
You can abort this operation while it's being performed by pressing the
_right_ mousebutton.
If 'Safety Warnings' is switched on in the Settings-dialog, you will be
asked for confirmation.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
The 'Sel' button will select all slots (if it had been bigger, it
would have read 'Select All'). The 'Desel' button does the opposite:
it deselects all slots (and should have read 'Deselect All'...).
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
This deletes all *selected* sounds.
If the 'Safety Warnings' in the Settings-dialog is on, you'll be
asked to confirm this operation.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
This brings up the Settings-dialog in which you can adjust the behaviour
of the Desk Assistant to suit your needs/taste.
More on the Settings-dialog in the corresponding chapter...
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
This button brings up the MIDI-dialog in which you can perform various
MIDI-specific actions, like sending program- or mode-changes.
More on this in the chapter 'The MIDI Dialog'.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
This button switches between the Program- and Combination-librarian.
When you're in the Program-librarian it will read 'COMBI' (and v.v.)
which means that you'll go to COMBI mode when you click it (is this
Note that no data is lost when you switch modes - just like in the
Bank Manager these are two completely separate and independant
'departments' with their own data-structures and memory.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
The small 'I' and 'C' buttons switch between Internal memory and (ROM
or RAM) Card.
Since switching from I to C and v.v. will erase *all loaded data* (i.e.
both librarians), you will always be asked to confirm this operation,
even if you turned the 'Safety Warnings' off in the Settings-dialog.
The button corresponding to the 'area' you're currently using will be
disabled (hardly useful to switch to Internal when you're already in
Internal, is it...?).
Note that you can *always* switch between I and C - even if no card is
inserted. However, you won't be able to *write* (=send) any sounds to
a non-existing card (well, wadda ye think...). It _is_ possible to
receive in C-mode even if no card is present - the program will then
receive the M1's 'Internal' sounds - although this is hardly useful...
The program always starts in 'I'-mode.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
The Global Channel is the MIDI-channel used to communicate with the M1.
It is therefore very important that this is set correct, otherwise
M1 I/O won't be possible.
Everytime you open the accessory (or, when running as a program, upon
startup), the program tries to retrieve the Global Channel from the M1
automatically. If this somehow fails, you will be notified. In this
case, or in case you change the M1's Global Channel while the program is
running, you have to set the channel manually. Do this by left-clicking
on the channel number - this will cycle through all the 16 MIDI-channels.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
U| Click and read...
T| It's important.
The small button right of the 'About' button is the Autoplay button. When
it shows an 'a', Autoplay is OFF. When you see an 'A', Autoplay is ON.
This is a somewhat simplified Autoplay, compared to the Bank Manager's.
When you select a sound, Autoplay will send the sound to the M1, without
writing it. Next it sends a note-on for C3 (middle C) with velocity 64.
It then waits a little while before turning the note off. When you 'drag
select', only the _first_ sound you select will be Autoplay-ed.
The Autoplay ON/OFF flag is saved when you save settings.
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
Well, uh..., yeah, wonder what this button is for...
Probably some kinda..., well, actually I think it's
a..., well, you know what...
+:The Settings Dialog...
+:Back to 'The Main Screen'
/***************** SETTINGS DIALOG **************************
U|The Settings Dialog
When you click the 'Settings' button in the main screen, the settings
dialog will open. It is here that you can customize the behaviour of
the Desk Assistant to suit your own taste.
The two buttons in the upper left corner, labeled 'Programs' and
'Combis' will bring up the fileselector. You now can select the
default paths for both Programs and Combis separately. Next time you
run the program, these paths will be used as the default directories.
Whenever you load a Set (i.e. a MPR file and a corresponding MCO file),
the program requires these files to be in the default directories!
The two buttons 'Disable Prog.Mode' and 'Disable Comb.Mode' will disable
one of the librarians (you're not allowed to disable both). This should
not be necessary, but in case you're very short on memory, it might be
useful, since disabling one librarian will reduce the programs memory-
usage by nearly 50%.
+:Next Page...
Note that changes to these mode settings will only take effect the next
time you start the program (i.e. when running as an acessory: the next
time you boot your computer).
Next there are four buttons that influence the Desk Assistant's behaviour:
- Double Check Data: When this button is selected (i.e. black), everytime
a sound is received from the M1, the data is 'double checked' to ensure
data integrity. This slows down receiving sounds a bit, but nevertheless
we'd recommend you to have this option switched on.
- Safety Warnings: For some operations a safety-warning will be issued,
enabling you to cancel the operation. When this button is 'off', all
safety warnings will be skipped. Safety warnings apply to: 'Load Set',
'Send Set', 'Delete', 'Save' in case you want to overwrite an already
existing file, 'Copy' (by dragging the selected sounds) and 'Quit'. This
last warning will only be issued when The DA is running as a program,
since quitting when it's an accessory won't loose any data.
Note that the warning you get when changing from Internal to Card, or
v.v., will _always_ be given, even if 'Safety Warnings' is off.
+:Next Page...
+:Back to 'The Settings Dialog'
- Use M1 Edit Modes: When this button is selected, the M1 will always be
switched to EDIT PROG or EDIT COMBI mode, after M1 I/O (i.e. sending or
receiving of sounds) is completed. This is useful in case you want to
send parameter changes through Sys-Ex after you have dumped sounds to the
M1, since parameter changes can only be received in the edit-modes. For
instance, you could have a sequencer-song that contains such Sys-Ex data,
so you want the M1 to be in EDIT COMBI mode after you've send the 'Set'
for this song.
- Invert SHIFT-key: This does the same as the Bank Manager's 'Invert...'.
Normally, dragging in the soundbox will copy the selected sounds, while
pressing either SHIFT-key while dragging will multi-(de)select slots.
'Invert SHIFT-key' inverts this operation: drag to multi-select and
SHIFT-drag to copy. This option was included in the DA to enable you to
have the same 'feel' as you're used to in the Bank Manager - it would be
very annoying when both programs worked in opposite ways...
+:Next Page...
+:Back to 'The Settings Dialog'
The next box contains three radio-buttons. Here you determine the 'Switch
upon exit' behaviour. If 'Program mode' is selected, the Desk Assistant
will switch the M1 to Program Mode automatically when you leave the
program. Selecting 'Combination Mode' will switch the M1 to Combi Mode
upon exit. Selecting 'None' won't send any mode changes when you leave the
DA. Note that the 'Switch upon exit' behaviour also depends on the setting
of the 'Use M1 Edit Modes' button: when 'Use M1 Edit Modes' is _on_,
selecting 'Switch upon exit: Combination mode' will cause the program to
switch the M1 to Combination _Edit_ Mode upon exiting, whereas having the
'Use M1 Edit Modes' turned off will switch the M1 to plain Combi Mode.
The box on the far right contains another three radio buttons. These
determine what happens when you load a 'Set'. Selecting 'Always' will
cause sets to be always sent to the M1 immediately after loading. 'Never'
will prevent sets from being sent after loading. 'Query' will cause the
program to ask you if you want to send the set immediately afterwards.
Be very careful with the 'Always' button...
+:Next Page...
+:Back to 'The Settings Dialog'
The last button, 'Ignore M1', will cause the program to ignore the M1 (ha!).
That means that no MIDI I/O is performed (e.g. no mode changes are sent
went you switch between the program and combination librarians). This is
useful in case your M1 is turned off, because you only want to use the
program for some library-job (i.e. disk I/O) - not ignoring the M1 in this
case would give you MIDI error messages on lots of actions, such as
switching from 'PROG' to 'COMBI, switching from Internal to Card, leaving
the Settings or MIDI dialog, etc. This would be very annoying and time
consuming... Note that you're not allowed to send/receive when 'Ignore M1'
is ON.
Finally you can save the settings you made by pressing the 'Save Settings'
button. All settings made will be written to the file M1_ASS.DAT that will
be read the next time you start the program or boot your computer. This
file will contain all settings you made here, the Autoplay flag and the
settings made in the MIDI dialog. The one exception is the 'Ignore M1'
button - this will not be saved and will default to 'off'. This means that
when your M1 is turned off, or not connected to your ST, the first time you
+:Next Page...
+:Back to 'The Settings Dialog'
select the accessory from the menu (or when you start the program), you
will get a MIDI error message. Just ignore it and go to the Settings
Dialog as soon as the main screen appears, turning 'Ignore M1' on.
If you find this all a bit confusing, select the 'An example please' menu
entry below. I'll tell you how I use the settings myself and what their
effect is. If you think everything is perfectly clear, move to 'The MIDI
+:An example please...
+:The MIDI Dialog...
+:Back to 'The Settings Dialog'
U|An Example
My folder structure is as follows:
M1_BANKS\COMBIS\ <- contains the combi-libraries
M1_BANKS\PROGRAMS\ <- contains the program-libraries
M1_BANKS\SONGS\ <- contains 'sets' for sequencer songs
M1_BANKS\SYSEX\ <- contains SysEx dumps (drum maps, backups, etc.)
The COMBIS, PROGRAMS and SYSEX folders are the default folders for the
Bank Manager. The SONGS folder is the default folder for the Desk Assistant
This folder contains both program and combi files - a set for each
sequencer song.
I use the following settings: Double Check Data ON; Safety Warnings OFF
(hate those alerts...); Use M1 Edit Modes ON (since many of my songs
contain SysEx data, I want the M1 to be ready to receive those SysEx
parameter changes); Invert SHIFT-key ON (matter of taste).
Furthermore: Switch upon exit = Combination Mode;
Send set after load = Query.
+:Next Page...
+:Back to 'The Settings Dialog'
If I have a song called HITSONG, I make a set consistng of the files
HITSONG.MPR and HITSONG.MCO that contain all the programs and the combi the
M1 needs in order to play the song. If I now load this set, I can send it
to the M1 immediately after loading, quit the program and, since 'M1 Edit
Modes' is ON and 'Switch upon exit' = Combi mode, the M1 will be in Combi
Edit mode when I return in my sequencer - ready to play the song and
receive the SysEx data contained therein.
The Settings dialog makes the program very flexible (in my opinion),
although it may take some time to get used to all the possibilities.
Well, on the other hand... I suppose you won't change the settings
every day, will you?
+:The MIDI Dialog...
+:Back to 'The Settings Dialog'
/***************** MIDI DIALOG ******************************
U|The MIDI Dialog
When you press the 'MIDI' button in the main screen, the MIDI Dialog will
open. Here you can perform various, mostly M1-related, MIDI actions.
In the upper left corner you see a left and a right arrow and a number,
labeled 'Program Change'. Use the arrows to cycle through all the legal
program numbers (0-127). Click on the number itself to send the
corresponding program change to your gear. The program change will be sent
on the global channel that is set in the main screen. Note that program
changes will only be handled by the M1 when in Program mode or Combi mode.
Next you see 8 buttons labeled 'Mode Change'. Clicking on one of those will
send the corresponding mode change to the M1 - also using the global
The next two buttons, 'Dump Request', send a dump request to the M1 -using
the global channel again. If the M1 receives this message, it will respond
by sending the corresponding (i.e. programs or combi) data dump. What the
use of this might be will be explained in a moment - just read on.
+:Next Page...
The last three buttons on the left side of the screen are labeled 'Local
on', 'Local off' and 'All Notes Off'. The first two put the M1 in Local on/
off mode, which means the keyboard will be (dis)connected to/from the sound
generation part (and again the global channel will be used here). The 'All
Notes Off' button sends an 'all notes off' message on _all_ MIDI channels.
This will definitely turn off all stuck notes on all your MIDI machines.
Central in the MIDI dialog are the 6 boxes with the big 'Send' buttons.
These allow you to send arbitrary MIDI messages to your machines. Every
box contains two fields: the upper, 12 character field is intended for
name-giving. Since MIDI-messages in general don't look too meaningful, you
may enter a descriptive name here for the message you defined. The lower
field is supposed to contain the MIDI message. Here you should enter a
sequence of hexadecimal characters, that will be sent as soon as you press
the corresponding 'Send' button. Hexadecimal messages consist of the
characters 0-9 and A-F (or a-f). Note that it is possible to enter non-
legal characters in the message field! Messages with illegal characters
will not be sent, and an alert will warn you on this.
+:Next Page...
+:Back to 'The MIDI Dialog'
Note that messages sent from within this dialog will be sent regardless of
whether MIDI-gear is connected or not. So, while it's not possible to send
or receive sounds when you've got 'Ignore M1' in the Settings Dialog turned
ON, it _is_ possible to send all kinds of MIDI messages from within the
MIDI-dialog in this case, since the MIDI dialog sends plain MIDI data,
without doing any error checking.
The upper two of the six message fields are partially pre-defined. The top-
message will automatically send a M1 system-exclusive header: F0-42-3x-19,
where the 'x' means 'the current global channel' (of course no actual 'x'
is sent, since 'x' is an illegal character!), and an 'end-of-exclusive'
(F7). So here you only have to supply the 'body' of a M1 Sys-Ex message.
The second field can be used for sending Sys-Ex to other machines, since
it automatically sends 'begin of exclusive' and 'end of exclusive' (F0 and
F7 resp.). Of course you can also use this field to send Sys-Ex to the M1,
but in that case you have to provide the header (42-3x-19) yourself.
The other 4 fields can be used for any kind of MIDI message (including
Sys-Ex of course). You could for example define a note-on and a note-off,
+:Next Page...
+:Back to 'The MIDI Dialog'
in order to be able to listen to a particular patch, while your M1 is
on the other side of the room.
Finally there is the 'Immediate Exit' button. When you select this, nothing
seems to happen. However, as soon as you select one of the other buttons
(i.e. send a mode change, one of the MIDI messages, or whatever), the
program will exit immediately after having sent the requested message! The
idea is thus: suppose you want your sequencer to receive a program dump.
You should then send a program dump request from within the sequencer and
put it in 'record' mode. This may however be tedious. Now when you use the
DA, you can turn on 'Immedaite Exit' and send a dump request. Since the DA
exits immediately after having sent the request, it might be that control
is given back to your sequencer _before_ M1 data starts arriving at the
MIDI port... Unfortunately this trick doesn't seem to work with _my_
sequencer, but maybe you have better luck... (well, the _idea_ isn't that
bad, is it...?)
All settings made in the MIDI dialog, except for the 'Immediate Exit'
button, will be saved when you 'Save Settings' in the Settings Dialog.
+:Back to 'The MIDI Dialog'
The Desk Assistant should run in all resolutions. However, in low-rez on a
normal monitor (320x200), the dialog won't fit on the screen, so you should
use e.g. a A3-monitor (...hmm...). In med-rez the dialog *does* fit on the
screen, but will be messed up a bit, due to alignment problems (programmers
among you will now what I'm talking about - the rest: please ignore this
The program uses as little memory as possible, so in normal use it should
give you no memory-problems. If it does, try disabling one of the DA's
librarians (although I can't imagine it to be necessary).
Other limitations...? Let me know.
/***************** COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER *******************
Because you haven't paid a dime for it, the author and So What? software
don't take any responsibility for any damage real or perceived, caused or
not caused by this program. We don't mind how bad you f*ck up your hard
disk, your computer, your M1, your man or wife or favourite pet: we are not
to blame, not even in case of loss of files, loss of lifes, lethal
explosion of your system, fire, third world war, or whatever.
This software is delivered 'as is' and free of known bugs and it is solely
your responsibility if you don't know how to use it properly. And even if
you know how to use it properly, it's solely your responsibility that you
use the program at all.
We think you got a nice piece of software for an absolute minimum price, so
don't bother us with complaints.
As always, serious bug reports or suggestions for improvements are more
than welcome of course. If you send a bug report together with a self-
addressed, stamped envelope and formatted (DD) disk, I'll send you the
debugged version of the program. Make sure that your bug report contains
enough information for me to be able to reproduce the bug.
The program and it's source are copyrighted (C) 1990/1992 by
* So What? * software. You are however permitted to make copies
of the program and give them away or put them on bulletin boards,
provided no changes were made to the original files - we don't
want to receive complaints because some dude messed up a
resource file, or because the documentation is missing.
The source code is *not* available.
+:Final Remarks
/***************** FINAL REMARKS ********************************
U|Final remarks
Enjoy the M1 Desk Assistant!
If you want to send me
1. a postcard, telling me how absolutely marvelous the program is;
2. suggestions for next versions (more options? tell me and I'll consider
them seriously);
3. high quality soft drugs;
4. good looking, unmarried young daughters;
5. large amounts of money;
then use the address below. If you've got any comments, bug reports,
suggestions for future versions, or whatever, let me know. I've tried -
and will continue trying- to make this program as fool-proof and bug-free
as possible, but I need you, the user, to know what bugs are left and what
features you'd like to see in future versions.
I don't expect to receive any money for this program, but I would very much
appreciate receiving any patches you made for your M1. I spent months
writing this package, and I provided you with tons of sounds for your M1,
so do I really ask too much? Watch your BBS and the various Atari archives
for new versions of this program!
+:Next Page...
The program you started to read this documentation was written with the
help of the Pure-C HELP-library - another marvelous So What? product.
Sources and executables of this lib and the accompanying programs are
completely public domain - check your local BBS or the various atari
I can be reached at:
snailmail: email:
Hendrik Jan Veenstra Internet: hjv@phil.ruu.nl
Lepelaarstraat 27
3582 SL Utrecht SterBBS (the largest ST bbs):
The Netherlands 01880 - 40035 user_ID: hjv
And remember: the purpose of this program is solely to speed up
non-relevant work, so you'll have more time free to write good